case study

Colorfil’s Journey to Success with Pilothouse

Company size
(Home base)
Year founded


Colorfil is revolutionizing air quality with its innovative air filters, featuring patented color-shift™ technology that alerts users when it's time to change the filter. Despite this technological edge, Colorfil needed help maximizing their eCommerce performance and scaling their revenue. Over the last two years, Pilothouse partnered with Colorfil to optimize their email marketing strategy and implement a data-driven, granular Amazon strategy. Together, we achieved significant growth across all areas of the business.

Email & Retention Strategy:
Driving Engagement and Repeat Purchases


Before Pilothouse, Colorfil struggled with inconsistent email design and engagement. The lack of a cohesive email marketing strategy resulted in lower-than-expected conversion rates and limited customer retention. Colorfil needed to boost their email revenue while increasing customer loyalty.

Our Strategy

Consistent Design Language

We aligned email designs with Colorfil’s website to ensure every email was instantly recognizable, building brand consistency and trust.

A/B Testing

In-depth research was conducted for each size-specific air filter, incorporating all relevant keywords with a minimum of 100 monthly searches. This resulted in a massive 1,917 unique keyword/competitor targets. A thorough review of listing SEO was done based on keyword research insights to enhance ad relevance and keyword rankings.

Optimized Timing

After testing various days and times for campaigns, we narrowed down the optimal sending windows to maximize engagement.

Reactivation Campaigns

We focused on increasing AOV and repeat purchases through subscribe & save flows and upsell campaigns. Nurturing repeat buyers was key to converting them into long-term subscribers.


Conversion Rate
Klaviyo Attributed Revenue
Campaign Revenue
Flow Revenue
Repeat Revenue

The Outcome

Finding the right cadence for email flows and campaigns was instrumental to Colorfil’s success. By sending more targeted and relevant emails, we nurtured prospective buyers into making their first purchase and turned one-time buyers into loyal customers. Our upsell and subscription flows became key drivers for repeat purchases, resulting in long-term customer retention and significant revenue growth.

Amazon Strategy:
Boosting Revenue and Efficiency


Colorfil needed to increase visibility and drive sales on Amazon while improving cost efficiency. Their previous approach lacked the precision and depth needed to scale effectively. They turned to Pilothouse to execute a highly targeted and data-driven Amazon strategy.

Our Strategy

Data-Driven PPC Campaigns

We launched over 1,100 PPC campaigns targeting 1,900 unique keywords using exact and phrase match types. This approach allowed us to scale high-performing keywords while minimizing wasteful spend on low performers.

SEO and Listing Enhancements

By conducting thorough keyword research, we optimized the SEO of Colorfil’s listings and revamped product imagery. New 3D renders and branded infographics improved conversion rates, helping customers understand the product’s benefits more clearly.

Optimized Campaign Management

We introduced a detailed campaign naming system and portfolio structure to manage the large volume of campaigns effectively. This allowed for precise performance tracking and optimization.

Maximizing Ad Placements

We leveraged all ad formats, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display, to drive traffic to revamped product pages and improve visibility


Monthly top-line revenue YoY
(April 2023 vs April 2022)
reduction in TACOS, bringing it down from 47% to 36% YoY
Increased Subscribe & Save Revenue
Subscriber Count

The Outcome

By revamping Colorfil’s Amazon strategy, we exceeded revenue growth targets while improving cost efficiency. Our data-driven approach, coupled with enhanced product listings and a focus on Subscribe & Save, enabled Colorfil to capture more traffic and grow their customer base. This strategy resulted in impressive top-line revenue growth and a substantial increase in recurring revenue from subscriptions.


In partnership with Pilothouse, Colorfil experienced remarkable growth across both their email marketing and Amazon strategies. By leveraging A/B testing, reactivation flows, and precise PPC campaigns, Pilothouse helped Colorfil increase conversion rates, drive significant revenue growth, and build long-term customer loyalty. The results are a testament to the power of a data-driven, holistic approach to eCommerce growth.

“Colorfil came to us looking for significant growth. We not only substantially exceeded their goals for scale, but we also improved efficiency (two metrics that are usually at odds). This tremendous success came from our complete revamp of their listings, our extremely granular approach to campaign strategy, and a laser-focus on growing their subscribe and save customer base.”

Clifford, Lead Amazon Media Buyer